Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • Collage is capable of scaling and rotating images, but it
    will not distort them.

  • Reposition Only moves the images into alignment but
    does not distort them. Select this option only if you plan
    on applying the Auto-Align Layers command manually at
    a later point.
    For our purposes, go ahead and select Cylindrical—even though
    Photoshop would probably opt for it if we selected Auto—and
    click OK. Then sit back and watch as Photomerge assigns each
    photo to its own layer. Shortly thereafter, you’ll see progress
    bars for the Auto-Align and Auto-Blend functions.

  1. Enjoy the miracle of the Photomerge calculations. It may take
    a while (a long while on older machines), but as you can see in
    Figure 9-29, Photoshop does a spectacular job of merging the
    pieces. Each component image is represented on its own layer
    with its own layer mask.

The odd shape is created by the distortions that Photoshop
has applied to get all the pieces working as a seamless whole.
You can see from the layer masks that Photoshop has chosen
particular parts of each original image however it saw fit. To
be safe, preserve this minor miracle by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S
(�-Option-S) and naming it “Theatre Pano.psd.”

Figure 9-29.

324 Lesson 9: Pro Photography Tools

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