Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Flatten the image. The multiple layers may be interesting and
    all, but we really don’t need them and having them will make
    the next steps problematic. So click the at the top right of the
    Layers panel and from the pop-up menu choose Flatten Image.

  2. Crop the image. Ultimately, we want to get rid of the irregular
    edges, so press C to obtain the crop tool. Draw a crop bound-
    ary that represents the largest rectangle possible that still fits
    within the photograph, as shown in Figure 9-30. When you
    have it where you like it, press Enter or Return.

Figure 9-30.

Figure 9-31.

  1. Open the Mini Bridge. To demonstrate the enormity of this
    structure, I think adding a human figure would be helpful. I
    have just the guy for the job. We’ll put me in the figure with
    the assistance of a feature new to CS5, the Mini Bridge. The
    purpose of this tool is self-explanatory: You get access to the
    file browsing capabilities of the (full) Bridge encased in a panel
    in the Photoshop interface. You can open the Mini Bridge in no
    less than four ways, perhaps the easiest of which is to click its
    icon in the options bar, as I’m doing in Figure 9-31.

If you haven’t used the Mini Bridge before, it opens to the
Home panel, as shown in the figure. Click the icon to the left
of Browse Files (the one that looks like a photo of a sailboat,
for reasons known only to Adobe) to do just that, browse files
as you would in the Bridge proper.

Creating Panoramas with Photomerge 325

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