Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 9-34.

The default placement from the Mini Bridge plops me down center
stage, a place I occasionally assert I belong. But you can move me
around at will by pressing the V key to grab the move tool. I’m your
own personal dekePuppet. If you move me downward from the default
placement, you’ll find that perfect spot (where the photo of me was
actually taken after I finished shooting my panorama frames) and see
the masking job around tiny me blend seamlessly.

  1. Save the panorama. After all this work, you’ll want to save
    the results. Choose File→Save or press Ctrl+S. Name the file
    “Emperor Deke” or something equally clever and trademark-
    able. Then click the Save button.

In the end, I decided to revisit the precrop Theatre Pano.psd file I
saved in Step 3 and recrop the image so that more of the sky and less
of the side structures were visible. (There’s no rule that panoramas
have to be that long and skinny; their real benefit is your ability to
capture detail over a large visible span.) I repositioned the I Deke
layer so that I was back in my original spot as a tourist rather than
an orator. Then I warmed the image considerably (one of my noto-
rious tendencies) with a Levels adjustment and sharpened to taste.

My final interpretation is revealed in Figure 9-34.

Creating Panoramas with Photomerge 327

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