Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

What Did You Learn? 335

What DID YOu leaRn?

A. Adjusting for the predominant color of neutral white, usually off as the
result of an uncorrected light source.
B. A single image that represents a view wider than a traditional camera
lens can capture.
C. A photographic compilation that allows for the combination of lumi-
nance data from different exposure values.
D. The appearance of luminance aberrations, caused in HDR photos by
an element moving or changing appearance between individual frames.
E. A file that contains the instructions for modifications made to a raw file.
F. A tool that lets you adjust one region of an image independently of an-
other inside Camera Raw
G. Photoshop’s tool that allows you to align and blend multiple frames.
H. Measured in f-stops, this Camera Raw option corrects the brightness
of highlights.
I. A camera’s native format for which no on-board camera processing has
J. A new feature in CS5 that allows you to access the Bridge’s photo or-
ganizing features.
K. The number of digits required to express a single pixel, which in turn
determines the number of colors in an image.
L. A Photoshop plug-in that allows for the development of unprocessed
native image files.

Key Concepts

  1. Camera Raw

  2. Raw format

  3. Sidecar file

  4. White balance

  5. Bit depth

  6. Exposure

  7. Graduated filter

  8. Panorama

  9. Photomerge

  10. Mini Bridge

  11. HDR (High Dynamic Range)

  12. Ghosting

Match the key concept in the numbered list below with the letter
of the phrase that best describes it. Answers appear upside-down
at the bottom of the page.

1L, 2I, 3E, 4A, 5K, 6H, 7F, 8B, 9G, 10J, 11C, 12D

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