Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

aBOut thIS leSSOn

Before beginning the exercises, make sure
you’ve downloaded the lesson files from,
as directed in Step 2 on page xvi of the
Preface. This means you should have a
folder called Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1 on
your desktop (or whatever location you
chose). We’ll be working with the files in-
side the Lesson 10 subfolder.

In this lesson, you’ll wade slowly (at first) into the world of mask-
ing, starting with automated techniques and then moving on to
calculations and defining precision masks via the pen tool. You’ll
learn how to:

  • Use the Color Range command to create selections
    based on designated luminance values....... .page 341

  • Create a mask based on channel comparisons
    with the math-based Calculations command... .page 350

  • Draw precise contoured outlines the pen tool... .page 355

  • Fine-tune your mask by overlay brushing..... .page 364

Project files

A mask is a way of creating a highly accurate selec-
tion outline, using the image to select itself. When
you’re crafting a mask, you can bring a wide range
of Photoshop features to bear on fine-tuning that
selection process. In fact, the most accurate masks
require the combined use of more than one of the
tools in Photoshop’s sophisticated arsenal. In this
video, you’ll see how I created the alpha channel you
used for our jumping puppet friend from back in
Lesson 8. I’ll show you Color Range, the Quick Mask
mode, and the new improved Refine Edge command.
To begin your mastery of masks, visit http://www.oreilly.
com/go/deke-PhotoshopCS5. Click the Watch but-
ton to view the lesson online or click the Down-
load button to save it to your computer. During the
video, you’ll learn these shortcuts:

video lesson 10: masking

Operation or ToolWindows shortcutMacintosh shortcut
Color Range*Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O �-Option-Shift-O
Add color values to Color Range selectionShift-clickShift-click
Lift multiple colors with Color RangeShift-dragShift-drag
Refine EdgeCtrl+Alt+R �-Option-R
Choose Brush toolBB

* Works only if you loaded the dekeKeys (as directed in Steps 8 through 10, beginning on page xix of the Preface).

338 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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