Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • You’ll see a folder called McClelland Boys, be- Step 2Step 3
    cause these are photos I took while out with
    my kids. Click that folder to fill the content
    browser with a collection of eighteen tiny
    photographic thumbnails, as in Figure 1-3.

To change the size of the thumbnails, drag the slider
triangle in the bottom-right corner of the window
(labeled Thumbnail size slider bar in Figure 1-3).

  1. Select a thumbnail. Locate and click the
    file called Butterflying_03.jpg, highlighted in
    Figure 1-4. (Some of these images were captured
    and automatically named by a digital camera,
    hence their cryptic filenames.) This activates the
    image and displays it in the Preview panel on
    the right side of the Bridge window.

To see more detail, enlarge the Preview panel by
dragging the vertical and horizontal panel dividers
that separate the five panels.

  1. Double-click the thumbnail. Double-click the
    thumbnail in the Content panel, and choose
    File→Open or press Ctrl+O (�-O on the Mac).
    The Bridge hands off the image to Photoshop,
    which in turn loads the photo. I turned off Open
    Documents as Tabs (see page xxi of the Preface), so
    for me the photo appears in a new image win-
    dow, as in Figure 1-5.


The title bar or tab lists the name of the image and
magnification level followed by a color notation, RGB/8.
These six characters convey three pieces of information.
RGB tells you that you’re working with the three primary
colors of light—red, green, and blue—the standard for
scanners and digital cameras. Next, /8 lets you know that
the image contains 8 bits of data for each of the red,
green, and blue color channels, which permits the image
to include any of 16.8 million colors. Finally, the asterisk
) alerts you that you’re working in a color environment
other than the one you specified in the Color Settings
dialog box (see Step 7, page xix). The upshot: Photoshop is
aware of this image’s specific needs and is doing its best to
accommodate them, thus ensuring accurate color.

Color notation in parentheses

Independent window (better for grabbing screen captures)

Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-5.

Opening an Image 7

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