Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Choose the Color Range command. We ultimately want to
    select the lips independently of the skin and teeth. Choose
    Select→Color Range. Alternatively, if you installed the cus-
    tom dekeKeys shortcuts I recommend in the Preface (Step 9,
    page xix), you can press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O (�-Shift-Option-
    O). Either way, you get the Color Range dialog box, shown in
    Figure 10-7.


The central portion of the dialog box features a black-and-white preview,
which shows you how the selection looks when expressed as a mask. The
white areas represent selected pixels, the black areas are deselected, and the
gray areas are somewhere in between. This might seem like a weird way to
express a selection outline, but it’s actually more precise than the marching
ants, which we saw back in Lesson 3. Whereas marching ants show the
halfway mark between selected and deselected pixels, a mask shows the full
range of a selection, from fully selected to not selected.

  1. Click in a dark area of the lips. When you move the cursor into
    the lips image window, it changes to an eyedropper. Click in a
    dark area of the lips, like the one I’ve designated in Figure 10-8,
    to create a base for the selection. You can see that the Color
    Range preview changes to reflect a selection that includes all
    the areas with a similar color value.

Figure 10-8.

Figure 10-7.

Click here to start

Using the Color Range Command 343

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