Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Add some more samples to the Color Range selection. To add
    base colors to the selection, press the Shift key and click or
    Shift-drag inside the image window. For our purposes, Shift-
    click in other shadow areas of the lips (like the outer corner),
    then Shift-drag along the inner lower lip. You can watch the se-
    lection grow in the preview inside the Color Range dialog box.
    Figure 10-9 documents where I’ve clicked and the subsequent
    progress I’ve made in the Color Range preview.

Shift-click hereShift-drag from here.. .to hereWatch the lip selection grow here

Avoid clicking the highlight areas where the light is reflecting
dramatically off her lip gloss. Clicking one of those spots would
not only select that area of the lip but also the lighter areas in
the teeth and face that have the same luminance value, thus
adding those areas to the selection and defeating the purpose.
If you go too far, consider these two options:

  • Press Alt (or Option) and click a color in either the image
    window or preview to deselect a range of related colors. As
    often as not, this technique overcompensates and deselects
    too much of the image.

  • Choose Edit→Undo Color Sample or press Ctrl+Z (�-Z) to
    restore the previous selection. Great feature, but note that

Figure 10-9.

344 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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