Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Close the Color Range dialog box. At some point, you’ll find
    that adding more click points has a diminishing return in terms
    of making a useful mask. When you’ve taken the lip selection
    as far as it can go in Color Range, click OK. Color Range adds
    a selection outline to the image window. Not a mask. A stan-
    dard marching-ants-style selection ready for immediate use.

  2. Add a layer mask. Our immediate use for the selection will be
    to create a layer mask that limits the cherry red adjustment to
    only the lips. So make sure you are on the Cherry Red layer, and
    click the icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. Immediately,
    you’ll see that the skin area returns to its original desaturated
    color, as in Figure 10-11, and the lips remain red. But the mask
    still needs work to let all the red come through.

Figure 10-11.

  1. Refine the mask. Although the teeth and skin are nicely masked
    so that they aren’t affected by the red adjustment, the lips are
    still masked too much and therefore not red enough. To let more
    red come through, we’ll need to refine the mask. Start by Alt-
    clicking (Option-clicking) on the layer mask thumbnail in the
    Layers panel to load the mask into the main preview window
    so you can work on it directly.

346 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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