Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Paint the highlight areas in the mask. You can add to the
    masked area by simply painting with white inside the current
    lines created by the mask. Press the B key to choose the brush
    tool, and set the Size to 200 pixels and the Hardness to 100
    percent (because you don’t want to add any fuzziness around
    the edges of your mask). Press the X key to make white the
    foreground color, and paint away the dark areas inside the lips
    (avoiding the teeth). Remember, you can Shift-click to paint a
    straight line from your last click point. Leave the nice crunchy
    edges around the outer areas of the lips. Your mask should end
    up looking roughly like Figure 10-12.

Figure 10-12.

  1. Finesse the edges with the smudge tool. In the Layers panel,
    Alt-click (Option-click) the layer mask thumbnail to return to
    your full color image. You can see, especially on the right side,
    that the edges of the lips are still dark in some places. By trying
    to maintain the nice soft transitions provided by the Color Range
    command, we haven’t gone quite far enough with the mask. This
    presents one of the few instances where the smudge tool can
    be really useful. From the toolbox, click and hold on the blur
    tool (which looks like a big drop of water) and then choose the
    smudge tool from the flyout menu (as shown in Figure 10-13). Figure 10-13.

Using the Color Range Command 347

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