Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Even though we’re working in the full color image for reference,
your mask is still selected in the Layers panel, so you’ll still be
adding to it as you paint with white. Press the key several
times until your brush is 200 pixels. Carefully brush from the
interior outward, smudging to finesse any of the remaining dark
edges, especially those around the right corner of the mouth,
as I’m doing in Figure 10-14. The effect extends the red adjust-
ment subtly outward.

Figure 10-14.

  1. Clean the teeth with the brush. Just as you can extend the
    mask by smudging with white, you can subtract from it by
    painting with black. Press the X key to make the foreground
    color black, and then press the B key to return to the brush.
    Reduce the brush size to something manageable by pressing the
    key three or four times, and carefully click over any areas of
    the teeth that appear to have a pinkish film. You may also find
    that switching back to the smudge tool and smushing from the
    teeth outward is helpful. Don’t forget you can Alt-click (Option-
    click) the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel to get a close-up
    look if you want to find any stray areas.

As you can see, masking isn’t an exact science. Your results reflect the amount
of time and patience you put into them as well as your mastery of tools. For
me, creating a great mask is one of the most satisfying feats in Photoshop.

348 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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