Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Change the Blending mode. If the Add blend mode is creating
    very little difference, it makes sense to try its opposite. From
    the Blending pop-up menu, choose Subtract. The results, as
    you can see in Figure 10-22, are ideal for masking the hair,
    which is now white against a dark background with great de-
    tail throughout the hair section. (The arms, unfortunately, will
    need to wait for the next exercise.)

Figure 10-21.

Figure 10-22.

  1. Check your Result setting. Make sure your Result setting is set
    to New Channel. This tells Photoshop to add an alpha chan-
    nel to hold your mask. Then click OK. Photoshop adds a new
    channel to the Channels panel and displays the contents of that
    channel in the image window.

354 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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