Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Test drive the white arrow tool. Switch to the white arrow tool
    by pressing the A key (or Shift+A if you skipped the Preface).
    Then do this:

    • Click anywhere off the path outline to deselect the path
      and all its points.

    • Click a segment in your path. You’ll again be able to see the
      anchor points, but they are now open squares, indicating
      that they are not selected.

    • Select the point indicated in Figure 10-26 by clicking it with
      the white arrow tool. The point becomes solid, showing
      that it’s selected.

Figure 10-26.
Click this point

You could now drag the selected point to move it or use the arrow
keys to nudge it a screen pixel in any direction. If you want to give
it a try, do so, but press Ctrl+Z (�-Z) or Ctrl+Alt+Z (�-Option-Z)
as necessary to get back to this starting point.

Note that the extra line with the circle on the end (rather than a square)
coming out of the point is a control handle and not part of your path.
Control handles determine the curve of your path. We’ll see how control
handles work as we progress.

Why two arrow tools? Because they serve different
purposes. The black arrow tool selects and moves
entire paths at a time. The white arrow tool lets
you select an element of a path, such as an anchor
point, a segment, or a collection of points and

Using the Pen Tool to Select Smooth Contours 357

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