Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Draw a simple series of straight segments. Click (without drag-
    ging) to make a series of straight segments around her sash, as
    you can see in Figure 10-35.

  2. Complete the shape. After you create the final point at the
    base of the belt, hover over the first point in the path down
    on the pasteboard. Your cursor should look like. The circle
    next to the pen cursor indicates you’ll be closing a path, and
    thus completing the shape. When you click with that close path
    cursor on the original anchor point (see Figure 10-35), drag
    downward (and slightly to the right) to create an upper control
    handle that will give the last segment a nice curve around her
    skirt. This isn’t intuitive. You need to drag downward to cre-
    ate the upper control handle. It’s as if you’re creating a pair of
    control handles, but you’ve already lopped off the bottom one
    (because that original point was already a cusp).

Click without dragging to
create straight segments

Click-and-drag (downward,
slightly to the right) from the
first point to close the shape
and create the upper control

Figure 10-35.

362 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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