Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Paint the dark areas with black. Press the X key to switch
    your foreground and background colors, so that you’re painting
    with black. Paint around the edges of the mask. Because you’re
    painting with black in Overlay mode, the white areas will be
    protected from your painting. You may have to go over some
    areas more than once or start a new brushstroke.

When you start working around the edges of the flailing hair, you’re going to
start to lose strands here and there, which is okay. No one is going to look at
the final composition and say that she doesn’t have enough hair. When I’m
masking, I generally like to err on the side of too much rather than too little;
better to let the edges of your mask intrude a little on your subject rather
than leave behind areas likely to cause fringing.

When you’ve finished painting the dark areas, your mask should
look something like Figure 10-40.

Figure 10-40.

  1. Paint the light areas with white. The light areas can benefit
    from an Overlay pass as well. Press the X key to switch fore-
    ground and background colors, and paint over the light areas,
    as I did in Figure 10-41.

366 Lesson 10: Creating and Applying Masks

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