Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Open another image Press
    Ctrl-O (�-O) and navigate to
    the Blue sky with clouds.jpg
    image in the Lesson 10 folder of the Les-
    son Files-PsCS5 1on1 folder. This image,
    shown in Figure 10-45, is by photogra-
    pher Ribeiro Rocha and comes from the image library.

  2. Paste the blue sky image into the hair
    image. Select the entire Blue sky with
    clouds.jpg image by pressing Ctrl+A (�-
    A), and then copy it by pressing Ctrl+C
    (�-C). Move back to your Hair with Body.
    psd image window, hold down the Shift
    key, and press Ctrl+V (�-V) to drop the
    sky into place.

Figure 10-46.

Figure 10-45.

  1. Make the Blue sky image your background layer. From the
    Layers menu, choose New→Background from Layer to set the
    sky image as the Background layer. The fairly respectable re-
    sults are shown in Figure 10-46. But we can use a new feature
    in Photoshop CS5 to improve some of the crunchy effects on
    the left side of the image.

Finessing a Mask with Overlay Brushing 369

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