Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

What Did You Learn? 371

What DID YOu leaRn?

A. An anchor point along a path that has two control handles to allow for
creating a continuous, even arc.
B. Analogous to the magic wand’s Tolerance setting, this feature spreads
a Color Range selection out to neighboring color values beyond those
specifically chosen
C. A Photoshop command that allows you to create masks based on a math-
ematical comparison of the luminance values in two of the color channels.
D. A point along a path that joins two segments at a corner.
E. A lever-like device that allowed you to control the curve of a path through
a smooth point.
F. A new feature in Photoshop CS5 that allows you to fine-tune your mask
by setting a prescribed radius for edge calculation.
G. This otherwise fairly useless tool is handy for finessing mask edges by
smushing edge pixels in one direction or another.
H. This advancement on the magic wand tool allows you to select given
colors in your image and turn them into a selection outline.
I. A feature of the Refine Edge command that tells Photoshop to adjust the
radius based on the smooth or jagged nature of your mask.
J. Also known as a mask, this special channel selects white pixels and de-
selects black ones, allowing you to hide or reveal corresponding parts
of your image.
K. Outlines described by vectors that contain no pixel information but can
be used to control the pixels within their boundaries.
L. Part of a path that is unaffected by control handles and is thus a direct
path between points.

Key Concepts

  1. Alpha channel

  2. Color Range

  3. Fuzziness

  4. Smudge tool

  5. Calculations

  6. Paths

  7. Smooth point

  8. Control handle

  9. Cusp point

  10. Straight segment

  11. Refine Mask

  12. Smart radius

1J, 2H, 3B, 4G, 5C, 6K, 7A, 8E, 9D, 10L, 11F, 12I

Match the key concept in the numbered list below with the letter
of the phrase that best describes it. Answers appear upside-down
at the bottom of the page.

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