Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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When you open this document, you may see the following alert message:
“Some text layers might need to be updated before they can be used for
vector based output.” If you do, click the Update button to make the
one live text layer in this document editable.

  1. Make sure the guidelines are visible. You should see three cyan
    guidelines—two horizontal and one vertical—in the image win-
    dow. If not, choose View→Show→Guides to make them visible.
    Also make sure a check mark appears in front of View→Snap,
    which makes layers snap into alignment with the guides.


As we saw in Lesson 5, guidelines are nonprinting elements that ensure
precise alignment in Photoshop. They are especially useful for positioning
text layers, as we’ll see in upcoming steps.

  1. Click the type tool in the toolbox. Or press the T key. Photoshop
    provides four type tools in all, but the horizontal type tool—
    the one that looks like an unadorned T (see Figure 11-6)—is
    the only one you need.

Figure 11-5.

Figure 11-6.

Creating and Formatting Text 377

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