Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Click in the image window. Click somewhere in the lower-
    middle portion of the image. For now, don’t bother trying to
    align your cursor with the guidelines. Better to get the text on
    the page and align it later.


When you click, Photoshop greets you with a square alignment point
intersected by a vertical blinking insertion marker. You are now set to create
point text, which is type that is unhampered by a maximum column width
and aligns to the point at which you clicked, perfect for setting headlines as
well as individual words or lines of type.

  1. Enter some text. Type “chief executive.” Lowercase letters are
    fine. Then press the Enter or Return key to advance to a new
    line and type “nephew.” You should see white type across the
    bottom of your image, as in Figure 11-8. If the Layers panel is
    visible, you’ll also notice a new layer marked by a T icon (also
    in the figure). This T indicates that the layer contains live text.

  2. Select all the text. Press Ctrl+A (�-A on the Mac) to highlight
    all three words. Now you can modify the type.

  3. Capitalize the letters. Click the icon in the Character panel,
    as in Figure 11-9 on the next page. This switches the lowercase
    letters to capitals using a temporary style option. You can also
    press Ctrl+Shift+K (�-Shift-K). If you decide later to restore
    lowercase letters, turn off the or press the shortcut again.

Figure 11-8.

Creating and Formatting Text 379

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