Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Drag the text into alignment with the guides. Press the Ctrl
    (or �) key and drag the text until the left and bottom edges of
    the letter C in CHIEF snap into alignment with the vertical
    guideline and the higher of the two horizontal guides.

  2. Select the last word of type. With the text still active, double-
    click the word NEPHEW in the image window to select it.

  3. Adjust the type size and leading. In the Character panel, click
    the icon and change the type size to 67 points. Then press
    Tab, change the next-door option to 55 points, and press Enter
    or Return. The value sets the leading (pronounced ledding,
    for the strips of lead used in hand-set printing days to space
    lines of type), which is the amount of vertical space between
    the selected word and the line of type above it. The new value
    shifts the text up, as pictured in Figure 11-10.

  4. Accept your changes. Press the Enter key on the keypad (not
    the one above the Shift key) to exit the type mode and accept
    the new text layer. You can also press Ctrl+Enter (or �-Return).

At this point, Photoshop changes the name of the new text layer in the
Layers panel to Chief Executive Nephew. The program will even update
the layer name if you make changes to the type. If you like, you can
rename the layer just as you would any other layer (especially helpful
when the layer name becomes too long), but doing so will prevent
Photoshop from automatically updating the layer name later.

Figure 11-9.

380 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes

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