Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
For example, type “Ver.” This should switch you to Verdana
as in Figure 11-11, which is included on all personal computer
systems. Then press Enter or Return to apply the font and see
how it looks.

  1. Make the first three words of the paragraph bold. Zoom in on
    the words What a situation! at the beginning of the paragraph
    to better see what you’re doing. Then with the type tool still
    selected, do the following:

    • Select all three words by double-clicking What and drag-
      ging over a situation!

    • Choose Bold from the type style menu in the options bar,
      as shown in Figure 11-12. You can do the same from the
      keyboard by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B (�-Shift-B on the Mac).

  2. Make the words the hard way italic. Find the phrase the hard
    way in the eighth line of the paragraph and drag over it to select
    it. Then choose Italic from the type style menu in the options
    bar or press Ctrl+Shift+I (�-Shift-I).

Even if a font doesn’t offer a bold or italic style (called a designer style because
it comes from the font’s designer), the keyboard shortcuts still function. In
place of the missing designer style, press Ctrl+Shift+B (�-Shift-B) to thicken
the letters for a faux bold; press Ctrl+Shift+I (�-Shift-I) to slant them for a
faux italic. Beware: Faux styles don’t always look right or even good.

Figure 11-11.

382 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes

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