Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Show the rulers and the Info panel. The Body Copy text is
    looking better, but its placement is for the birds. Before we size
    and position the text block, it helps to lay down a few guide-
    lines. And before we can do that, we have to do the following:

    • Guidelines come from the rulers, so choose View→Rulers
      or press Ctrl+R (�-R) to display them.

    • To track the coordinate position of your guides, press F8 or
      choose Window→Info to display the Info panel.

  2. Add three guidelines. Drag from the left ruler to create ver-
    tical guides, and drag from the top ruler to create horizontal
    guides. As you do, you can track the location of the guidelines
    by watching the X and Y values in the Info panel. With that in
    mind, create the following guides:

  • Drag a vertical guide to the coordinate position X: 80.

  • Next, drag another vertical guide very close to the right
    edge of the document, to the coordinate position X: 860.

  • Finally, drag a horizontal guide to Y: 30.

Figure 11-12.

Creating and Formatting Text 383

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