Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Hide the guides. At this point, you’re finished with the guide-
    lines. To hide them so you can focus on your composition,
    choose View→Show→Guides. Or better yet, press Ctrl+ or
    �- (the semicolon key, to the right of the L). The guidelines
    will no longer be visible, nor will they snap.

  2. Change the antialiasing to Strong. Now comes one of Pho-
    toshop’s subtlest formatting options. Located in the center
    of the options bar (as labeled in Figure 11-7 on page 378), the
    antialiasing setting controls the way the outlines of characters
    blend with their backgrounds. Your options are:

    • Sharp, which manages to antialias the type while maintain-
      ing sharp corners. This preserves the best character defi-
      nition, especially when applied to small letters with serifs
      (the flourishes at corners and ends of letters).

    • Crisp, which rounds the corners slightly.

    • Strong, which shores up small type by expanding the edges
      very slightly outward, thus resulting in bolder characters.

    • Smooth, which supposedly rounds corners even more than
      Crisp. In practice, the two settings are virtually identical.

    • None, which turns off antialiasing and leaves the jagged
      transitions. For Web work, this is a terrible setting. But for
      high-resolution print work, it helps reduce some of the blur
      that can result from antialiasing.

Figure 11-14.

Creating and Formatting Text 385

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