Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The examples in Figure 11-15 show all settings except Smooth
applied to a magnified detail from the Body Copy layer. The
differences verge on trivial, but for this particular layer, I would
argue that Strong helps thicken the characters and boost leg-
ibility. So choose it.

  1. Turn on Fractional Widths. This next option is likewise subtle
    but, in my estimation, much more important. By default, Pho-
    toshop spaces characters by whole numbers of pixels. This is
    essential when working with jagged type (as when antialiasing is
    set to None) but otherwise results in inconsistent letter spacing.
    To better space one letter from its neighbor, click the in the
    top-right corner of the Character panel and choose Fractional
    Widths. This calculates the text spacing for the entire layer in
    the same way other design programs do, in precise fractions of
    a pixel. You’ll see the text tighten up slightly.



Figure 11-15.

386 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes
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