Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
eXtRa CReDIt

All this editing and formatting is fine and dandy, but it’s the kind of thing you
could accomplish in a vector-based program (such as Illustrator or InDesign),
which is better designed for composing and printing high-resolution text.
For the remainder of this exercise, we’ll apply the sort of text treatment
that’s possible only in Photoshop. Due to the length of this exercise, I’ve
marked these steps as Extra Credit. But between you and me, you won’t want
to miss them.

  1. Turn on the Style Holder layer in the Layers panel. A tiny or-
    ange suitcase appears next to the CEO’s head. This layer holds
    some of the attributes we’ll be applying to the large CHIEF

  2. Eyedrop the orange suitcase. Press the I key to select the eye-
    dropper tool, and then click the little suitcase to make its or-
    ange the foreground color.

  3. Fill the Chief Executive Nephew layer with the sampled or-
    ange. Click the Chief Executive Nephew layer in the Layers
    panel to make it active. Then press Alt+Backspace (Option-Delete
    on the Mac) to fill the text with orange, as shown in Figure 11-19.
    When filling an entire text layer, this handy shortcut lets you
    recolor text without visiting the Select Text Color dialog box.

Figure 11-19.

Creating and Formatting Text 389

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