Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Draw a line under the word ELECTION. Because we want the
    rule to extend beyond the left edge of the canvas, it’s easiest to
    draw from right to left. So begin your drag just to the right of
    the N in ELECTION and between the two horizontal guides,
    as demonstrated in Figure 11-39. (If you find yourself snapping
    to one guideline or the other, zoom in and try again.) After you
    begin dragging, press and hold the Shift key to constrain the
    rule to precisely horizontal. (If you press Shift before starting
    to drag, you’ll add the line to the existing star layer.) Drag be-
    yond the edge of the canvas before releasing the mouse button,
    and then release Shift.

Figure 11-39.
You can adjust the position of the line as you draw it or after you finish.
To move the line as you draw it, press and hold the spacebar. To move
the line after you draw it, press Ctrl (or �), click the path outline to
select it, and press the appropriate arrow key (�, �, �, or �).

  1. Name the new layer. Again, the layer is called Shape 1. Dou-
    ble-click the layer name and enter the new name “Underscore.”

  2. Select the custom shape tool. Now to draw the final shape,
    which will be a crown over the letter T. Photoshop permits you
    to draw prefab graphics using the custom shape tool. To select
    this tool, click the icon, the one to the right of the line tool
    in the options bar. Or press the U key.

404 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes

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