Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Switch back to the Space radio.psd composition. Press the
    Esc key to exit the text-editing mode. Then click the title bar
    of the image that contains the microphone.

  2. Display the guidelines. If you can already see the guidelines,
    super. If not, choose View→Show→Guides or press Ctrl+
    (�- on the Mac).

  3. Select the ellipse tool in the toolbox. To create text around
    a circle, we need to draw a circle for the text to follow. Click
    and hold the shape tool icon and choose the ellipse tool, as
    shown in Figure 11-48.

  4. Click the paths icon in the options bar. You can set text around
    any kind of path outline, whether it’s part of a shape layer or
    stored separately in the Paths panel. But given the number of
    circles in this document, it’ll be easier to see what’s going on
    if we work with the Paths panel. So in the options bar, click
    the icon highlighted in Figure 11-49.

  5. Draw a big circle. Drag from one guide intersection to the
    opposite intersection. Figure 11-50 illustrates the correct and
    proper left-hander’s view. Those of you cursed with the popular
    blight of right-handedness can drag from left to right instead.
    Speaking of Figure 11-50, the cyan lines are the guides, the
    black circle is the new path. The beginning of my drag appears
    as an orange ; the end appears as a violet. The actual image
    is dimmed so you can better see what’s going on.

  6. Name the new path. Strictly speaking, you don’t have to
    name the path. But you might as well be organized and save
    your work as you go along. So with that in mind, switch to the
    Paths panel, double-click the Work Path item, and rename it
    “Big Circle.”

  7. Hide the guidelines. The sole purpose of the guides was to
    help you draw the big circle. Now that we’re finished with
    that, choose View→Show→Guides or press Ctrl+ (or �- )
    to make them go away.

Figure 11-48.

Figure 11-49.

Figure 11-50.

Bending and Warping Type 409

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