Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • To keep things flexible, turn off the second check box, Save
    Sort Order as Part of Workspace, so that you can maintain
    custom sort orders even after switching workspaces.

  • Click Save. The saved setting name appears alphabetically in
    the application bar—so in this case, before Essentials—and
    is automatically assigned a keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+F1
    (�-F1 on the Mac).

  1. Increase the size of the content browser. One of the down-
    sides of larger thumbnails is that you can see fewer of them at
    a time. The next few steps will go more smoothly if we can see
    most if not all the thumbnails at once. The solution? Increase
    the amount of screen real estate devoted to the content browser:

  • Maximize the Bridge window so it fills the entire screen by
    clicking on the far right side of the Windows title bar or
    on the far left side of the Macintosh title bar.

  • To gain still more room, turn over the entire Bridge to the
    content browser by pressing the Tab key. And by all means,
    feel free to drag the bottom-right slider triangle again so
    that the thumbnails adequately fill their new space.

At this exaggerated size, you might feel a bit intimidated by the sheer
magnitude of the Bridge. Luckily, the program includes a compact mode
that lets you toggle between the full view and a pocket-size view. To
toggle the compact mode, click the icon in the top-right corner of
the window or press Ctrl+Enter (�-Return on the Mac). The compact
Bridge stays in front of other applications. This means you can preview
the contents of a folder while editing an image in Photoshop. Or drag a
thumbnail into Microsoft Outlook or Apple’s Mail program to create an
email attachment. To exit the compact mode, click the icon.

  1. Select all sideways images. The digital camera I used to shoot
    these photos, an Olympus Evolt E-300 SLR, is smart enough to
    automatically rotate portrait shots. But once in a while, a digital
    photo that should be vertical comes in horizontally. Among our
    sixteen images in the McClelland Boys folder, three are lying
    on their sides. No problem; the Bridge can turn them upright.
    Select the three images highlighted with yellow borders in
    Figure 1-10 on the facing page by clicking one and Ctrl-clicking
    (or �-clicking) the other two.

If the images were sequential, you could click one and Shift-click
another to select the entire range in between. Or hold down Shift while
pressing an arrow key (�, �, �, �). With each keystroke, the Bridge
adds a single thumbnail to the selection.

14 Lesson 1: Open and Organize

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