Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Flip the text to the other side of the path. Press and hold the
    Ctrl key (� on the Mac) and hover the cursor over the bottom
    of the text (roughly the O in COMPLETE) to get the I-beam
    with the double arrow. Then drag upward. Photoshop flips the
    text to the other side of the path, turning it right-side-up, as
    shown in Figure 11-54.

  2. Select all the type. Next we need to nudge the type down using
    a function called baseline shift, which raises or low ers selected
    characters with respect to their natural resting position, the
    baseline. Press Ctrl+A (or �-A) to select all the characters in
    the new text layer.

  3. Bring up the Character panel.
    Click the Character tab if it’s al-
    ready on screen. Otherwise, choose
    Window→Character or press the
    shortcut Ctrl+T (�-T).

  4. Set the baseline shift. In the Char-
    acter panel, click the icon that looks
    like a capital letter paired with a
    superscript one ( ) to select the
    baseline shift value, highlighted in
    Figure 11-55. Then enter –8.5 to
    shift the letters down 8.5 points,
    which translates to about 18 pixels
    inside this 150 ppi image.

You can also nudge the baseline shift
value incrementally from the keyboard.
Press Shift+Alt+� (or Shift-Option-�)
to lower the characters 2 points at a
time. Shift+Alt+� (or Shift-Option-�)
raises the characters.

Press Enter on the keypad to ac-
cept your changes. (If the baseline
shift value is selected, you may have
to press Enter twice.) This com-
pletes the text on the circle. Now
let’s move on to warping some text.

Figure 11-54.

Figure 11-55.

412 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes
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