Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • Use the Bend value to determine the amount of warp and
    the direction in which the text bends. You can enter any
    value from –100 to 100 percent.

  • The two Distortion sliders add perspective-style distortion
    to the warp effect.
    For example, Figure 11-58 shows four variations on the Arc
    Lower style. The icon next to the style name shows that the ef-
    fect is flat on top and bent at the bottom. Assuming Horizontal
    is active, this means the warp is applied to the bottom of the
    text. A positive Bend value tugs the bottom of the text down-
    ward (first image); a negative value pushes it upward (second).

To achieve a strict perspective-style distortion, choose any Style option
and set the Bend value to 0 percent. Examples of purely horizontal and
vertical distortions appear in the last two images in Figure 11-58.

For this exercise, choose Arc Lower from the Style pop-up
menu. Then set the Bend value to –40 percent. The resulting
effect looks awful—easily the worst of those in Figure 11-58—
but that’s temporary. Have faith that we’ll fix it and click OK.

Figure 11-58.

414 Lesson 11: Text and Shapes

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