Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Increase the size of the word SPACE! With the type tool, tri-
    ple-click the word SPACE! to select both it and its exclamation
    point. Press Ctrl+Shift+ (�-Shift- ) to increase the type size
    incrementally until the width of the selected text matches that
    of the text above it. (To resize
    faster, press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+
    or �-Shift-Option- .) Or
    just click the icon and
    change the type size value to
    88 points, as in Figure 11-59.

  2. Increase the vertical scale of all characters. One of the by-
    products of warping is that it stretches or squishes characters,
    thus requiring you to scale them back to more visually appeal-
    ing proportions. In our case, the text is really squished, so some
    vertical scaling is in order. Press Ctrl+A (or �-A) to select all
    type on the active layer. In the Character panel, click the
    icon to select the vertical scale value, which I’ve highlighted in
    Figure 11-60. Enter 167 per-
    cent to make the letters taller
    but not wider, and then press
    the Enter or Return key. The
    text should remain active.

Figure 11-59.

Figure 11-60.

Bending and Warping Type 415

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