Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

What Did You Learn? 417

What DID YOu leaRn?

A. Font family, type style, size, leading, alignment, and a wealth of other
options for modifying the appearance of live text.
B. This numerical value lets you adjust the sharpness of points in a star
drawn with the polygon tool.
C. A column of type created by dragging with the type tool, useful for set-
ting long sentences or entire paragraphs.
D. Digital photographs and scanned artwork composed exclusively of col-
ored pixels.
E. A special kind of text layer in which text is attached to a path outline
to create a line of type that flows along a curve.
F. The best means for calculating text spacing, which permits Photoshop
to move a character by a fraction of a pixel.
G. A succession of duplicated objects, scaled, rotated, and otherwise trans-
formed in equal increments.
H. Mathematically defined text and shapes that can be scaled or otherwise
transformed without any degradation in quality.
I. An option that spaces all lines of type in a selected layer by similar
amounts to give the layer a more even, pleasing appearance.
J. A text layer that has no maximum column width and aligns to the point
at which you clicked with the type tool.
K. This dialog box bends and distorts live text to create wavy, bulging,
and perspective effects.
L. The adjusted amount of horizontal space between two neighboring
characters of type.

Key Concepts

  1. Raster art

  2. Vector-based objects

  3. Formatting attributes

  4. Point text

  5. Area text

  6. Fractional character widths

  7. Every-line composer

  8. Pair kerning

  9. Indent Sides By

  10. Series duplication

  11. Text on a path

  12. Warp Text

1D, 2H, 3A, 4J, 5C, 6F, 7I, 8L, 9B, 10G, 11E, 12K

Match the key concept in the numbered list below with the letter
of the phrase that best describes it. Answers appear upside-down
at the bottom of the page.

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