Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


at SOme POInt, I presume, you’ll want to get your care-

fully crafted images out of Photoshop and into a medium that’s
meant for display. The most likely destinations are the Internet or
the printed page. Of course, Photoshop has the tools to help you
present your images to the world, whether that world is composed
of electrons or ink or both.

For example, the image in Figure 12-1 appears in both the electroni-
cally delivered video for this lesson and here on the opening page of
the printed chapter. Yes, friends, Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One
“The Complete Experience” (as I like to think of it when I’m feeling
grandiose) lives in both worlds. So I’ve taken the opportunity to
divide this output discussion according to appropriate media. In
the video lesson, I’ll show you how to prepare images for the Web.
Here on paper, we’ll cover the nuances of printing with Photoshop.

Figure 12-1.
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