Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

aBOut thIS leSSOn

This final lesson covers topics related to inkjet printing, professional
output, and CMYK color conversion. You’ll learn how to:

  • Print an image to an inkjet printer and
    ensure high quality and accurate color....... .page 423

  • Convert an image from RGB to CMYK for
    output to a commercial printing press....... .page 432

  • Make sense of the CMYK color model,
    including black generation and total ink limit... .page 440

  • Combine multiple images into a single printable
    PDF file using the Output panel in the Bridge... .page 443

Before beginning the exercises, make sure
you’ve downloaded the lesson files from,
as directed in Step 2 on page xiv of the
Preface. This means you should have a
folder called Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1 on
your desktop (or whatever location you
chose). We’ll be working with the files in-
side the Lesson 12 subfolder.

Project files

video lesson 12: exporting for the Web

When you decide to put your images on the Web,
you’ll need to make different decisions than you
would if they were intended for printed paper.
Photoshop’s got you covered with a handy feature
called Save for Web and Devices. In this video les-
son, I’ll cover all the choices you need to make when
using that feature, and show you how to take the
same file that’s at the outset of the book-based les-
sons and make it work for Web delivery.
To see how to work your images for Web compati-
bility, visit
Click the Watch button to view the lesson online or
click the Download button to save it to your com-
puter. During the video, you’ll learn these shortcuts:

Tool or operationWindows shortcutMacintosh shortcut
Image SizeCtrl+Alt+I �-Option-I
Save for Web and DevicesCtrl+Alt+Shift+S �-Option-Shift-S
PrintCtrl+P �-P

420 Lesson 12: Print and Web Output

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