Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Save the image under a new name. Naturally, you don’t want
    to run the risk of harming the original layered image, so choose
    File→Save As. As long as you save the image under a different
    name, you’re safe. But here are the settings I recommend:

    • In the Save As dialog box, choose TIFF from the Format
      pop-up menu.

    • Make sure the ICC Profile check box is on (that’s Embed
      Color Profile on the Mac).

    • Click the Save button.

    • In the TIFF Options dialog box, turn on the LZW option
      to minimize the file size without changing any pixels.

    • From Byte Order, select the platform that you’re working
      on, PC or Mac.

    • Click the OK button to save the file.
      The original layered file is safe and the flat file is ready to print.

Figure 12-4.

424 Lesson 12: Print and Web Output

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