Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Choose the Print command. Choose File→Print or press Ctrl+P
    (�-P on the Mac) to display the Print dialog box, pictured in
    all its enormity in Figure 12-5. This one-stop print station is
    designed to provide everything you need to output an image
    in one convenient location. Granted, it’s a little daunting to the
    uninitiated. But it’s entirely in keeping with Photoshop’s under-
    lying credo: When in doubt, overwhelm the user with options.

  2. Select your printer model. You may be working on a personal
    computer cabled to a single USB printer. Or you may be work-
    ing on a network with a dozen or more shared printers. In either
    case, select the model of printer that you want to use from the
    Printer pop-up menu, positioned top and center in the dialog
    box (see Figure 12-6).

  3. Click the Print Settings button. I would call Photoshop’s Print
    dialog box comprehensive were it not for the omission of one
    essential option: You can’t specify the size of the paper that you
    want to print to. For that, you have to click the Print Settings
    button to display your operating system’s Page Setup dialog box.

Figure 12-5.

Figure 12-6.

Printing to an Inkjet Printer 425

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