Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Click the Print button. This closes Photoshop’s Print dialog
    box and may or may not deliver you to the operating system’s
    Print dialog box. If such a box appears, just click Print again.
    (This dialog box is essentially the same one you poked around
    in when you clicked the Print Settings button back in Step 7.)

Because of the large number of printer vendors, your options in the
Print Settings dialog box may vary significantly. You may even encounter
additional options. For example, on the PC, Hewlett-Packard includes
an ICM Method option (best set to Host) and an ICM Intent (best set to
Picture). If none of the options I’ve mentioned so far are available for your
printer, you’ll need to experiment to find the settings that work best.

  1. Label your output. When the newly printed document spits
    out of your printer, examine the reproductive quality. Then
    grab a pen and write “Printer Manages Colors—Relative
    Colorimetric” on it so that you can remember which settings
    led to this result.

If you made any decisions in the proprietary parts of the Print Settings
dialog box, you’ll want to note those variables too. The key here is to
use a well documented trial-and-error method so that you can repeat
the settings that finally work.

  1. Initiate a second print. Press Ctrl+P (�-P) to bring back the
    Print dialog box once again. Your orientation and Scaled Print
    Size should be where you last left them. This time, change the
    Color Handling option to Photoshop Manages Colors, as I’ve
    done in Figure 12-10. You’ll see that the Printer Profile op-
    tion is no longer dimmed like it was when the printer was in
    charge (because Photoshop is now in control). From the pop-
    up menu, choose sRGB-IEC61966-2.1 (sRGB for short, and
    there should be only one setting that starts with those letters,
    so don’t waste brain cells comparing the latter digits). Leave
    everything else the same.

When you set the Color Handling to Photoshop Manages Colors, you’ll
get a reminder to disable your printer’s color management settings,
which you’ll likely find once again in the Print Settings dialog box.
You’re welcome to try ignoring that directive. Just document as such

Figure 12-9. when the print comes out.

428 Lesson 12: Print and Web Output
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