Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Click the Print button again. Wait and compare. When
    the print job finishes, grab your pen again and write
    “Photoshop Manages Colors—Relative Colorimetric” on
    the print. Compare it and the previous print to the image
    on the screen. Assuming that your printer is functioning
    properly (no missing lines, no paper flaws, all inks intact),
    the colors in the printout should bear a close resemblance
    to those in the screen image. Decide for yourself which of
    the two print settings does a better job.
    Figure 12-10 shows two versions of the same image printed
    to photo-grade paper from a Stylus Photo 1280. The only
    differences are the computer and the method of color
    management used to print the image.


If the output doesn’t match the screen image to your satisfaction, try
experimenting with your printer-specific options until you arrive at a
better result. After you do, write down the settings—or save them if
you can—and use them in the future.

Figure 12-10.

Mac output, warmerWindows output, cooler

Printing to an Inkjet Printer 429

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