Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

The upshot: a low-quality plain-paper print costs about 50 cents; a high-
quality photo-paper print costs about 2 bucks. Although the latter is
roughly four times as expensive, the difference in quality is staggering.
The figure below compares details from the two kinds of output magnified
to six times their printed size. The plain-paper image is coarse, riddled
with thick printer dots and occasional horizontal scrapes where the paper
couldn’t hold the ink. Meanwhile, the photo-paper image is so smooth,
you can clearly make out the image pixels. Where inkjet printing is con-
cerned, paper quality and ink expenditure are the great determining factors.

360 dpi, plain paper, 50¢2880 dpi, glossy photo paper, $ 2 _^00

QualityQuality ComesComes atat aa PricePrice 431

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