Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 12-14.

  1. Compare the output to the CMYK file on screen. To see how
    the two images compare in my case, look at Figure 12-15 on
    next page. Overall, there is a big difference in brightness. The
    printed image is significantly lighter and the shadows are weak.
    The colors, especially in the swatches group on the left, differ
    radically from the original. Specifically, we’re missing the rich-
    ness in the reds of the flesh tones, the sweater, and the red color
    swatches —anywhere red is a factor. In fact, the warm colors
    in the output suffer from a slightly yellow-green cast. These is-
    sues must all be resolved.


To fix the CMYK image, you need to modify the Prints-R-Us CMYK profile.
The best way to judge the results of our modifications is to apply them on-
the-fly to the open image and compare the resulting screen image to the
output. This means releasing the image from the grips of the existing CMYK
profile. Admittedly, this step is not particularly intuitive, but it is necessary.
So here we go.

Preparing a CMYK File for Commercial Reproduction 435
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