Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 12-16.

  1. Disable color management for the current document.
    Choose Edit→Assign Profile. Dismiss the warning by
    clicking OK. Then in the Assign Profile dialog box, se-
    lect the Don’t Color Manage This Document option,
    as in Figure 12-16, and click the OK button. From now
    on, the open image, Joy of Color CMYK.tif, will respond
    dynamically to the changes you make to the CMYK
    color profile.

  2. Again, choose the Color Settings command. Choose
    Edit→Color Settings. Or simplify your life and press
    Ctrl+Shift+K (�-Shift-K). Photoshop redisplays the Color
    Settings dialog box.

Be sure that the dialog box doesn’t entirely block your view of
the image window. If that means dragging the dialog box most
of the way off screen so only the Working Spaces options are
visible, so be it. You can also zoom out from the image to view
more of it by pressing Ctrl+ (�- on the Mac).

  1. Confirm that the Preview check box is turned on. Your
    job will be to make the screen image look like the CMYK
    output. After all, the CMYK output is, by its very exis-
    tence, the accurate representation of the printer’s CMYK
    space; if the screen image doesn’t match, Photoshop’s
    CMYK display space must be wrong. Only with the
    Preview check box turned on can you judge the effects
    of the changes you’re about to make.


Note that I’m not suggesting that you somehow adjust the brightness
and contrast of your monitor to make it match the CMYK output.
That would alter everything you see on the screen, in Photoshop and
out, and it wouldn’t solve your problem. An incorrect adjustment to
your monitor would alter your impression of future RGB images and
thus further compound your problems. The aim here is to make sure
Photoshop’s understanding of the CMYK space matches that of the
printer, and nothing more.

  1. Choose the Custom CMYK option. Click the words
    Prints-R-Us profile to the right of the first CMYK option
    and choose Custom CMYK, as in Figure 12-17. Photo-
    shop displays the little-known Custom CMYK dialog
    box, which allows you to change how the program con-
    verts colors to CMYK and displays them on the screen.

Figure 12-17.

Preparing a CMYK File for Commercial Reproduction 437
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