Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Packaging Multiple Images from the Bridge

Our final exercise is a cakewalk compared with the others in this
lesson. In it, I’ll show you how to package multiple photos onto a
single page to create a contact sheet, perfect for documenting the
contents of a folder on a CD or hard drive.

The Bridge has a feature that can scale and align images into regular
rows and columns and then export one or more pages as a printable,
distributable, widely compatible PDF file. This feature is available
not in Photoshop but rather in the Bridge. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the Mural Renamed folder. Assuming that
    you’re working in Photoshop, click the icon in the
    application bar or press Ctrl+Alt+O (�-Option-O)
    to launch the Bridge. Then navigate your way to the Lesson 12
    folder inside Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1. Therein, you’ll find a
    subfolder called Mural Renamed. Click it to see the group of a
    dozen images that show my progress in painting Max’s mural,
    all renamed according to my instructions in the “Batch Re-
    naming” exercise that began way back on page 32 of Lesson 1.

The new and improved CMYK output.. .better matches the image on screen

Figure 12-21.

Packaging Multiple Images from the Bridge 443

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