Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 12-22.

  1. Sort the images in the proper order. Choose View→Sort. Then
    choose the last command, Manually. The pencil sketches should
    rise to the top, as in Figure 12-22. If they don’t, drag the two
    MaxBedroomPencil images to the lead position. The images
    will now print in the proper order.

  2. Display the Output panel. This step is fairly tricky. Not because
    it’s hard, but because the Bridge is so intent on concealing its
    packaging feature. Notice the application bar at the top of the
    window, the one that begins with the back and forward arrows
    and ends with? Click the icon and choose Output to Web
    or PDF, circled in blue in Figure 12-23 on the facing page. The
    Bridge switches to a filmstrip view with an Output panel on the
    right. (I’ve hidden the left-side panels by double-clicking the
    vertical divider between those panels and the Preview panel.)

The Bridge also offers a preset workspace called Output. Choose it to
switch to the view you see in Figure 12-23. If you’ve been following my
instructions over the course of this book, the Output workspace has the
shortcut Ctrl+F5 (�-F5). By default, it’s Ctrl+F4 (�-F4). It’s off the list of
shortcuts if you’ve made more than three custom workspaces.

  1. Select all thumbnails. The Bridge prints only those thumbnails
    that are selected. So choose Edit→Select All or press Ctrl+A
    (�-A) to select—and thereby print—everything. The Preview
    panel does its best to display all twelve images.

  2. Elect to create a PDF document. The Output panel permits
    you to create a PDF document or a Web gallery, based on Flash
    or HTML. We’ll be creating a PDF document, so click the PDF
    button at the top of the Output panel.

444 Lesson 12: Print and Web Output

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