Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Figure 12-25.

  1. Adjust the spacing values. Where contact sheets are concerned,
    I like liberal page margins and tight spacing between thumb-
    nails. To establish the margins, change the Top, Bottom, Left,
    and Right values to 0.25 inch apiece. For the spacing, set both
    the Horizontal and Vertical values to 0.05 inch.

  2. Update the preview. Again click the Refresh Preview button at
    the top of the Output panel. In time, you’ll see that all twelve
    images fit quite tidily on a single page.

  3. Save the PDF file. There are lots more options, but they’re all
    perfectly fine as is. (Note that the Overlays area controls the
    filename labels below each thumbnail. Prior to CS4, you had
    three font choices; now you can choose any font loaded on your
    system.) Confirm that your settings look like those in Figure
    12-24 and you see twelve images in the Output Preview panel.
    Then scroll down to the bottom of the Output panel and set the
    remaining options as follows:

    • In the Playback area, turn off the first check box, Open in Full
      Screen Mode. We’re interested in printing, not slide shows;
      turning this option on merely creates confusion.

    • Turn on the View PDF After Save check box, located at the
      very bottom of the Output panel.

    • Click the Save button. I recommend you name the file “Max
      Mural” and save it to the Lesson 12 folder, if only to make it
      easy to locate later. A message appears reading “Generating
      PDF Contact Sheet.”
      A few moments later, the Bridge will attempt to launch your pre-
      ferred PDF viewer. (If you don’t have one, go to
      and download the free Adobe Reader utility.) Now you’re ready
      to print the contact sheet. Choose File→Print or press that
      ubiquitous keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+P (�-P). Your printer
      should deliver a page like the one in Figure 12-25.
      FYI, you can also use the Bridge’s Output feature to print ready-to-go
      pages for a photo album. Just choose Maximize Size from the Tem-
      plate option at the top of the Output panel. The Bridge will deliver a
      single multipage PDF file that you can print en masse. Plus the docu-
      ment serves double duty as an on-screen slide show.

446 Lesson 12: Print and Web Output
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