Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


16 bits per channel, 303
32 bits per channel, 303


ACR (see Camera Raw)
Add Folder to Favorites command, 24
additive primaries, 422
Add Noise filter, 246
adjustment brush (Camera Raw), 313
adjustment layers
Color Balance, 184
Levels, 198
nondestructive, 183
settings, 171
Vibrance, 204
Adjustments panel
Auto Tone function, 202
channel adjustments, 211
Color Balance adjustment layer, 184
Curves option, 206
Levels Adjustments option, 199
Midtones, 187
opening, 180, 183
options, 199
targeted adjustment tool, 207
Vibrance adjustment layer, 204
Adobe Bridge (see Bridge)
Adobe Camera Raw (see Camera Raw)
Adobe Caslon Pro typeface, 378
Adobe Creative Suite, 378
Adobe Every-line Composer
command, 387
Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One
adjusting preference settings, xx
downloading color settings files,
installation and setup, xvi–xxii

preference settings, xvi
requirements, xv
Adobe’s XMP (Extensible Metadata
Platform), 13
Alexis, Aleksandra, 8
Aligned check box, 113
layers with guides, 377, 380
text, 378, 387
All library, 405
alpha channels, 337, 371
anchor points (see control handles;
cusp points; smooth
Animated Zoom, xx
antialiasing, 76, 91, 378
Strong, 385
text, 385
Apple’s Exposé, xxii
Apple’s Spotlight, xxii
application bar, 8
Arc Lower option, 414
area text, 381, 417
arrow tools, 357–361
aspect ratio, 59, 61
Assign Profile command, 437
Auto Color
adjusting brightness, 198
Camera Raw, 303, 310
Auto Tone command, 199, 215, 202

background colors, 130, 406
Background layer, 134, 406
copying to new layer, 54
backing up projects, 131
backlighting, compensating for,
base colors, adding to selection, 344

baseline shift, 412
batch renaming of images, 32–36
Compatibility boxes, 35
Preserve current filename in XMP
Metadata check box, 35
sequence number, 34
Best Workflow, color settings, xix
Bevel and Emboss effect, 53
Bicubic, Bicubic Smoother, Bicubic
Sharper, 57
Bicubic Sharper, 61
big layer, 136–138, 177
“Bird’s-eye” wide-angle pan, 40
bit depth, 335
high, 302
black and white
converting color image to, 192–193
(see also HSL/Grayscale tab)
black arrow tool, 357
Blacks slider (Camera Raw), 308
Black & White command, 192–193
Blake, Joshua, 228
blending and warping type, 408–416
Blending Options dialog box, 239, 241,
Edit Smart Filter Blending Options,
Blending Options panel (Layer Style),
blend modes
and specialty layers, 144–156
Color, 141
displaying list of, 94
Hard Light, 400
Hue, 102
in CMYK, 434
in RGB, 434
Linear Dodge (Add), 247
Linear Light, 246


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