Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
450 Index

blend modes (continued)
Multiply, 73, 118, 123, 124, 140, 350
Normal, 159, 247
Overlay, 72, 364, 413
Screen, 67, 149, 162
bloat, 260, 272, 291
Gaussian Blur (see Gaussian Blur
Lens Blur (see Lens Blur filter)
Motion Blur (see Motion Blur filter)
using to sharpen images, 224
borders, Set all Border options, xxi
Bridge, 7, 10, 37, 296
cache, 13
compact mode, 14
content browser, 14
metadata, 30
Output feature, ready-to-go pages
for a photo album, 446
Output workspace, 444
packaging multiple images from,
Output to Web or PDF, 444
panels, hiding, 18
permanent changes, 13
Photomerge, 322–323
prioritizing thumbnails, 16
rating images, 18
rotating images, 15
slide show mode, 19
starting, 5
synchronizing color settings, xix
XMP changes, 13
brightness, 215
adjusting levels of, 195–204
Auto Color command, 198
brightness graph (Curves dialog box),
rounding off rough corners, 207
Brightness slider (Camera Raw), 308
Browse in Bridge command, 5
brush engine, 95
Brushes panel, 94, 95
brush tool, 338
adjusting brush hardness with
preview, 94
adjusting brush size with preview,
eyedrop color, 94
harder or softer, 94
incrementally enlarge or shrink the
brush, 94

overlay brushing, 364–370
resizing brush, 271
Show Crosshair in Brush Tip check
box, xxii
Burak, Andrzej, 287
burn tool, 95, 96–99, 103, 127

cache, 13, 37
Calculations, 340, 352–355, 371
masking with, 350–355
calibration, printer, 442
Camera Data (EXIF) (metadata
category), 27, 29
Camera Raw, 293, 295–296, 335
adjusting exposure values, 309
adjusting white balance in,
adjustment brush, 313
automatically correcting brightness
and contrast, 315
Blacks slider, 308
Brightness slider, 308
Canon, 295
Clarity slider, 310
Contrast slider, 308
converting color image to black and
white, 193
crop tool, 311–312
EXIF data, 298
exposure settings, 310
Exposure slider, 308
Fill Light slider, 308
graduated filter tool, 313, 314
high bit depth, 302–303
HSL/Grayscale tab, 317–321
luminance, crop, and color, 307–312
Luminance subpanel, 294
Nikon, 295
Olympus, 295
opening images, 298
opening in, 294
Photoshop supported cameras, 295
placing as smart objects, 235
plug-in, 296
Recovery slider, 308
Saturation slider, 310
Saturation subpanel, 294
selective editing and spot removal,
smart objects, 306
spot removal tool, 316
straighten tool, 310

switching images, 304
Temperature value, 300
Tint value, 300, 305
Vibrance slider, 310
White Balance controls, 300
camera, setting time and date properly,
Canon, 295
canvas, 43, 51–54, 61
color, 53
Canvas Extension Color option, 53
capitalization, 379
cast shadow, 391
Channel Mixer, 192
Channel pop-up menu, 199
channels, 196–197, 215
Calculations, combining with, 340
extreme contrast, 352
how three channels become four,
individual, 339
loading channel as selection, 374
luminosity values, 197
Source, 352
switching, 202
switching between channels in
Levels, 180
Channels panel, 244
characterize a CMYK device, 432
Character panel, 378–381
baseline shift, 412
Fractional Widths, 386
type size and leading, 380
Chesbrough, Jordan, 46
chroma, 181
drawing, 409
wrapping text around, 408–416
Clarity slider (Camera Raw), 310
clipping, 200
Curves and clipping previews, 205
histograms, 200
setting clipping point for shadows,
clipping masks, 157, 177, 247, 291
Create Clipping Mask command,
160, 265
keyboard shortcuts, 160
layer comps, 171
shortcuts to creating, 160
Clip Thumbnails to Layer Bounds, 137
Clone Source, 113, 127
cloning elements, 95–96, 127
cloning layers, 230
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