Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Index 451

blend modes, 434
color model
black generation, 440
total ink limit, 440
how three channels become four,
preparing for commercial
reproduction, 432–442
profile, 433, 435
versus RGB, 422
CMYK Color command, 432, 434, 442
CMY, primary colors of pigment, 423
Collections panel, 11
Color Balance, 183–188
correcting, 337
Color blend mode, 141–144
color cast, 215, 299–301
fixing, 183–188
Color Handling option, 427
color management
disabling, 437
Color Management option (print
dialog box), 426
Color Overlay command, 72
Color panel, 390
Color Picker, 73, 388
color profile, 424, 447
Color Range, 338, 371
adding color values to, 338
black-and-white preview, 343
Fuzziness value, 345
Hue/Saturation adjustment layer,
lifting multiple colors, 338
previewing mask, 345
Undo Color Sample, 344
color replacement tool, 95
channels, 196–197, 215
converting color image to black and
white, 192–193
correcting balance, 179–215
desaturating, 191
fixing color cast, 183–188
Hue/Saturation dialog box
confirming colors, 191
isolating colors, 190
intensity, 181
notation in title bar, 7
selecting regions of continuous
color, 74–80

color separation, 447
commercial, 422
color settings
Best Workflow, xix
downloading, xviii
synchronizing, xix
Color Settings, 7, 433, 437, 447
color spectrum wheel, visible, 185
ColorSync profile, 432
command names followed by three
dots, 8
commercial color separation, 422
commercial prepress, 432–442, 447
compact mode (Bridge), 14
Constrain Proportions option, 59
contact sheets, 443–446
Conté Crayon filter, 246
content-aware fill, 52, 61, 105, 278
Content-Aware Scale command, 287–
290, 291
shortcut, 288
content browser, 14, 37
Content panel, 17
contrast, 215
in channels, 352
Contrast slider (Camera Raw), 308
control handles, 355–362
one-third rule, 360
Convert for Smart Filters, 237, 247, 392
Convert to Shape, 264, 291
Convert to Smart Object command,
237, 248
marking an image as being
copyrighted, 30
statements and metadata, 25
symbol, 30
CR2 files, 296
Create Clipping Mask command, 160,
Create Metadata Template, 31
Crisp antialiasing option, 378, 385
crooked images, straightening, 42–46
crop boundary, 48
moving and scaling, 50
rotating, 49
cropping, 61
crop mode, 48
magic wand tool, 51
releasing mouse button, 48
removing wedges, 51
rotate view tool, 46–54
straightening crooked images, 44

uncropping, 51
crop tool, 40, 46, 48, 138
Camera Raw, 311–312
crosshatch effect, 122
cursors, xxii, 8
curved mask, 158
Curves command, 195, 205–211, 215
brightness graph, 206
clipping previews, 205
luminance graph, 206–211
targeted adjustment tool, 207
Curve tab (HDR Pro), 331
cusp point, 360, 371
Custom CMYK option, 437
custom shape library, 405
All library, 405
custom shape tool, 404
Cut command, 374
Cutout filter, 246

Date Created property, 29
dekeKeys shortcuts
Color Range command, 343
Convert to Smart Object, 237
downloading, xviii
High Pass command, 225
Hue/Saturation adjustment layer,
Image Rotation, 75
installing, xix
Smart Sharpen, 221
sponge tool, modifying saturation
levels, 100
Warp, 231
density mask, 245
Desaturate mode option, 100, 101
Deselect All command, 26
Deselect command, 68
Desktop icon, 6
destructive edits, 117, 127
destructive retouching tools, 267
Detail slider (HDR Pro), 330
digital asset manager, 10
digital cameras
DNG files, 295
higher bit depths, 302
metadata, 25
raw files supported, 295
distortions (see transformations and
DNG Converter, 295
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