Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Index 453


Gamma slider (HDR Pro), 330
gamma value, 201, 215
Gaussian Blur filter, 118, 218, 221, 224
text and, 392
turning photos into line drawings,
ghosting, 332, 335
ghostly artifacts, 332
Google Desktop search feature, 160
Gradient command, 401, 406
gradient effect, 151
Gradient Fill, 150, 151, 406
gradient layer blend mode, 151
gradient map, 257
gradient mask, 402
Gradient Overlay effect, 73
gradients, 402
options, 152
stop color and angle, 150
gradient shadow, 149
graduated filter tool (Camera Raw),
313, 314, 335
Graduated Filter window, 315
gray component replacement, 441, 447
grayscale images
black and white, converting images
to, 192–193
(see also HSL/Grayscale tab)
Group as Stack, 22
Grow command, 78, 91
guidelines, 135, 136
adding, 383
deleting, 384
hiding, 385, 407
moving, 384
ruler increments, 384
showing, 377, 396, 409
Guides command, 377, 396, 409


hair, touching up, 102
haloes, 278
Hard Light blend mode, 400
Hasselblad, 295
HDR (High Dynamic Range), 295,
303, 335
HDR Pro, 328–334
Curve tab, 331
Detail slider, 330
Edge Glow, 330

Exposure slider, 330
Gamma slider, 330
ghostly artifacts, 332
Highlight slider, 330
presets, 331
Remove Ghosts check box, 332
Saturation slider, 330
Shadow slider, 330
Vibrance slider, 330
healing brush, 95, 104–116
default options, 105
source point, 106
working with history brush, 109
healing tools, 95, 127
hiding/showing toolbox and panels, 9
high bit depth, 302–303
high-contrast images, 214
High Dynamic Range (see HDR)
highlights, 182, 215
toning down, 205
Highlight slider (HDR Pro), 330
High Pass filter, 218, 225, 242–244, 257
dekeKeys shortcut, 224
Histogram panel, 180
histograms, 200–201, 215
black & white points, 200
clipping, 200
history brush, 95, 127
restoring transitions, 115
working with healing brush, 109
History panel, 98–101
HSL/Grayscale tab (Camera Raw),
hue, 181, 215
Hue blend mode, 102
Hue/Saturation, 103, 188–194, 234
confirming colors, 191
desaturating colors, 191
isolating colors, 190
Lightness value, 194
visible color spectrum wheel and,
Hue value, lowering, 191

ICC Profile, 424, 432
ICM Intent option, 428
ICM Method option, 428
IIM (Information Interchange Model),
Illustrator, creating smart objects from,
228, 229

batch renaming, 32–36
black and white, converting to,
blending multiple, 157
converting color image to black and
white, 192–193
copying entire, 64
copying image to new layer and
naming it, 218
correcting with Curves command,
cropping (see cropping)
Date Created property, 29
deselecting, 26, 64
Favorites, 24
filtering, 20
grouping into stack, 22
image stacks, 21–23
inspecting, 19
keywords, 30
magnifying/shrinking image with
zoom tool, 40
metadata (see metadata)
opening, 5–7
organizing and examining, 10–22
packing multiple from the Bridge,
pasting image into a selection, 64
printing (see printing)
rating, 18, 20
resizing, 55–60
rotate view tool, 46–54
rotating in the Bridge, 15
selecting irregular, 66–74
sequential, 14
sharpening, 213
straightening crooked images,
switching between layer mask and,
tracking size, 131
turning photos into line drawings,
crosshatch effect, 122
Gaussian Blur filter, 118
Levels command, 118
Pattern Fill dialog box, 123
Photocopy filter, 117
Threshold Adjustment layer, 125
Underlying Layer slider, 123–126
whole-image transformation, 39–41
imagesetter, 422
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