Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
456 Index


Mac OS X shortcuts, reassigning,
magic wand tool, 76, 91
Anti-aliased check box, 76
Contiguous option, 76
cropping, 51
Grow command, 77, 78
Similar command, 77, 78
Tolerence value, 76, 77
magnetic lasso tool, 82, 83, 91
marquee, 69, 91
masking with Calculations command,
masks, 337–371
adding base colors to selection, 344
adding layer masks, 346
adding selection area, 363
clipping (see clipping masks)
Create Clipping Mask command,
curved, 158
density, 245
duplicating, 349
knockouts and luminance blending,
Layers panel, 158
overlay brushing, 364–370
painting inside, 159
Refine Mask dialog box, 370
refining, 346
seeing preview and image at same
time, 345
Shift-click, 345
smudge tool, 347
switching between image and layer,
vector, 134, 146
viewing independently, 160
matte effect, 53, 54
mattes, 337
Maximize PSD, xxi
Median filter, 241, 243, 248, 257
menu bar, 8
Merge Down command, 131, 177
mesh, 274–275
metadata, 25–31, 37
as permanent addition to file, 31
Bridge, 30
categories, 27
customizing display options, 28–29
Date Created property, 29

keywords, 30
template, 31
Metadata Display Options command,
Metadata panel, 11, 12, 25–33
Camera Data (EXIF), 27
Date File Modified item, 31
display options, 28, 31
File Properties, 27, 28
IPTC Core, 27, 28
metadata placard, 27
midtones, 182, 187, 203, 215
Mini Bridge, 325–330, 335
Motion Blur filter, 224, 247
move tool, 72, 91
Multiply blend mode, 73, 118, 123, 124,
140, 160, 350, 401, 406

Nelson, Joey, 236
new features
adjusting opacity of multiple layers,
content-aware fill, 52, 105, 278
Content-Aware Scale command,
Export panel, 4, 11
Mini Bridge, 325–330
Puppet Warp command (see
Puppet Warp command)
Smart Radius, 370
Straighten button, 42, 43, 61
New Group from Layers, 167
New Layer Comp dialog box, 175
New Layer dialog box, 406
New Workspace, 12, 37
Nikon, 295
nondestructive adjustment layer, 183
nondestructive smart filters, 236–250
None antialiasing option, 385
Normal blend mode, 159, 247

Olympus, 295
one-third rule, 360
online training videos (see videos)
adjusting opacity of multiple layers,
changing opacity of several layers at
once, 146

reducing, 392
Opacity setting, 130
Open command (File menu), 5
OpenGL, xx, 40, 221
Open in Camera Raw command, 298
options bar
hiding/showing, 9
restoring, 8
origin point, 50, 61
Outer Bevel effect, 54
Output Levels, 199
Output Preview, 445–447
Output to Web or PDF, 444
Output workspace, 444
Overlay blend mode, 72, 413
overlay brushing, 364–370
overlay brushing, 364–370

packaging multiple images from the
Bridge, 443–446
Output to Web or PDF, 444
Page Setup dialog box, 425
paper size, 426
painting tools, 95, 127
pair kerning, 390, 417
panels, 8
group, 9
hiding empty, 12
icons, 9
panorama, 335
saving, 327
(see also Photomerge)
Paragraph panel, 387, 390
parametric effects, 157–168
pasteboard, 68
Paste command, 374
pasting text onto path, 410
patch tool, 95, 104
paths, 355, 371
Paths panel, 164, 409
Paths tab, 355, 359
Pattern Fill dialog box
turning photos into line drawings,
pen tool
activating path, 356
adding a point to the path, 358
Auto Add/Delete check box, 358
converting smooth point into cusp,
creating smooth point, 360
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