Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Index 457

Paths tab, 355
selecting smooth contours, 355–363
setting up, 358
turning completed path into
selection outline, 363
white arrow tool, 357
photo albums, printing, 446
Photocopy filter, 117
photo-grade paper, 430, 447
Photomerge, 335
Auto, 323
Collage, 324
Cylindrical, 323, 324
Perspective, 323
Reposition Only, 324
Spherical, 323
Photoshop image, placing as smart
objects, 230
photos (see images)
pins (puppet warp), 279–285, 291
Pin Depth settings, 282
rotation indicator, 281
pointer, 8
point text, 379, 417
polygonal lasso tool, 68, 70, 86, 91
Polygon Options, 397
polygon tool, 396
Poster Edges filter, 246
PostScript printing functions, 426
Preferences dialog box
Hide Empty Fields check box, 29
Metadata options, 28
preference settings
adjusting, xx
Animated Zoom, xx
Cursors, xxii
Enable Flick Panning, xx
Export Clipboard, xx
Rulers pop-up menu, xxii
Set all Border options, xxi
Show Crosshair in Brush Tip check
box, xxii
tabbed windows, xxi
Units & Rulers, xxii
Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, xx
Zoom Resizes Windows, xx
prepress process, 432–442
Preview panel, 7, 11
loupe, 19
seeing more detail, 7
Preview window, 294
Print, 420
paper orientation, 426

print size, 426
calibration, 442
Epson Stylus Photo 1280, 430
inkjet, 421
printing, 421–447
accurate colors, 427
Color Handling option, 427
Color Management option, 426
converting colors, 427
Document (Profile: Adobe RGB
(1998)), 427
matching output to screen, 429
photo-quality prints, 430
PostScript printing functions, 426
print quality, 430–431
print size of image
changing, 58
ready-to-go pages for a photo
album, 446
Rendering Intent option, 427
resolution, 55
modifying, 58
to inkjet printer, 422, 423–429
print resolution, 55, 61
Print with Preview command,
process colors, 432
PSB File Compatibility, xxi
pucker tool, 271–275, 291
Puppet Warp command, 261, 276–286,
earlier version of Photoshop, 286
pins, 279–285
Pin Depth settings, 282
rotation indicator, 281
stabilizing image, 280
stretching puppet, 280
text, 284–285
Purge Cache For Folder “Raw Images”,
purity, 181

quick mask mode, 80, 85–87, 91
quick selection tool, 80–90
auto-enhance feature, 81
QuickTime Player, xv–xvii

Radius, 222–225, 257
Radius values, 213
ragged right, 387
raster art, 375, 417
rasterizing type, 392
rating images, 18, 20
Raw format, 335
(see also Camera Raw)
ready-to-go pages for a photo album,
reassigning Mac OS X shortcuts,
Recovery slider (Camera Raw), 308
rectangular marquee tool, 151
red eye tool, 96, 102–104
Refine Edge, 89, 91, 338
Refine Mask, 370, 371
renaming images in batches, 32–36
Compatibility boxes, 35
sequence number, 34
Resample Image check box, 55, 57
reshaping (see transformations and
resizing images, 55–60
Bicubic, 57
Bicubic Sharper, 57
Bicubic Smoother, 57
downsampling, 57
interpolation setting, 57
print size, 58
Resample Image check box, 57
resolution, 55, 59
Reticulation filter, 246
retouching tools, destructive, 267
Review mode, 4, 19
blend modes, 434
how three channels become four,
color model, 196–197
converting to CMYK for
commercial reproduction,
primary colors of light, 423
versus CMYK, 422
Rotate clockwise/Rotate
counterclockwise, 15, 37
rotate view tool, 46–54, 61
rotating images in Bridge, 15
rubylith overlay, viewing mask as, 160
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